The three purposes of dance are Recreational, Ceremonial, and Artistic Expression.

Recreational dance is for fun. The dances you see and do at parties, in the club, in your bedroom when you think no one is looking, are all recreational.

Ceremonial dance is for special events. Dance used to be used for the coming of visitors to the land, weddings, funerals, and celebrations in other cultures. In America we seldomly see any ceremonial dancing. It is arguably said that dancing in parades, and on certain award shows, qualifies as ceremonial dancing because those are events that celebrate people and events.

The definition of Artistic Expression is the "human effort to immitate, suppliment or counteract the work of nature." Any dance that you see that displays a deep emotion or gives a certain message.

A dance can have more than one purpose.
3/29/2012 09:42:07 pm

I think your blog is very informational and I agree with you in that any dance give a certain message. It is true that in America there is not much of any ceremonial dancing. "The only way to preserve dance movements from generation to generation was by demonstration, imitation, practice and personal supervision" History of Dance. I think that many countries has preserved its dance movements and that is one think that make each country unique.


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